

Lumberjack provides a handful of helpful functions that should make your life a little easier.

By default they are available as static methods on the \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers class, so that the global namespace isn't getting polluted. You can safely use these methods without fear of function names clashing.

You can tell Lumberjack to create global functions for you if you do not mind about adding these functions to the global namespace.

If you are building packages or plugins specifically for Lumberjack, you cannot rely on the global helper functions as the theme may not have made them available.

Adding Global Helpers

In order to use the global helper functions, all you need to do it tell composer to autoload vendor/rareloop/lumberjack-core/src/functions.php.

Add the following to your top-level composer.json file:

"autoload": {
    "files": [

Then, tell composer to regenerate its list of autoloaded files by running composer dump-autoload.

Available Helpers


The app helper returns the current reference to the container.

$app = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::app();

// Global function
$app = app();

You can resolve objects from the container by passing in the class name or reference into app().

$gateway = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::app(\App\PaymentGateway::class);

// Global function
$gateway = app(\App\PaymentGateway::class);


The config helper allows you to get values from your config.

$value = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::config('app.environment');

// Global function
$value = config('app.environment');

By passing in an array to the config helper you can set config values.

\Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::config(['app.logs.enabled' => false]);

// Global function
config(['app.logs.enabled' => false]);


The view helper returns a new Rareloop\Lumberjack\Http\Responses\TimberResponse.

return \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::view('templates/posts.twig', $context, 200, $headers);

// Global function
return view('templates/posts.twig', $context, 200, $headers);


The route helper generates a URL from a named route.

$url = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::route('posts.index');

// Global function
$url = route('posts.index');

If the route requires parameters you can be pass an associative array as a second parameter:

$url = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::route('', ['id' => 123]);

// Global function
$url = route('', ['id' => 123]);


The redirect helper returns a new Zend\Diactoros\Response\RedirectResponse, which redirects the user to a given URL.

$url = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::redirect('/auth/login', 200, $headers);

// Global function
$url = redirect('/auth/login', 200, $headers);


You can use the session helper to retrieve and store data in the current session. Passing in 1 (string) argument will get the value of that item from the session. Passing in an array of key/value pairs will add each pair to the session.

// Get a value from the session
$name = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::session('name');

// Get a value from the session, with a default
$name = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::session('name', 'default');

// Set a value to the session
\Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::session(['key' => 'value']);

// Call any method on a session

And using the global function instead:

// Get a value from the session
$name = session('name');

// Get a value from the session, with a default
$name = session('name', 'default');

// Store a value to the session
session(['key' => 'value']);

// Call any method on a session


The request helper returns the current ServerRequest object, which means you get access to all these available methods.

$request = \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::request();

// Global function
$request = request();

For example, to get the current url:

$currentUrl = request()->url(); // e.g.


Returns a RedirectResponse, which will redirect the user to the previous URL.

return \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::back();

// Global function
return back();

If you need to pass any data back to the previous page, you can flash items to the session using with():

// Chain 'with' multiple times
return \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::back()
    ->with('key', 'value')
    ->with('foo', 'bar');

// Or use an array with key/value pairs
return \Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::back()->with([
    'key' => 'value,
    'foo' => 'bar',

// Global function
return back()
    ->with('key', 'value')
    ->with('foo', 'bar');

// Or use an array with key/value pairs
return back()->with([
    'key' => 'value,
    'foo' => 'bar',


Calls the report method on the Exception Handler, to ensure that an exception is reported.


// Global function

This is particularly useful if your theme needs to swallow any exceptions so they do not break the site, but you still wish to have the error logged. For example:

try {
    // This may throw an exception...
    $comment = Comment::add($data);

    return JsonResponse($comment, 200);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    // Report the exception

    // Swallow the exception, and instead return a response
    return JsonResponse([], 400);

"Swallowing" here simply means that the exception is unable to bubble all the way up to the Exception Handler where it normally gets reported.


Available in v4.3.0 and above

The logger helper can be used to write debug messages to your logs.

\Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::logger('Example message');

// Global function
logger('Example message');

You can also pass in an array of additional data alongside your message.

\Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::logger('Product added to basket', ['id' => $product->id]);

// Global function
logger('Product added to basket', ['id' => $product->id]);

If you need to access the logger class itself, to log different types of errors for example, you can use the logger function with no arguments. This will get you an instance of the PSR3 compliant logger that is bound to the container. By default Lumberjack uses Monolog\Logger.

\Rareloop\Lumberjack\Helpers::logger()->warning('Example warning');

// Global function
logger()->warning('Example warning');

Last updated