
Lumberjack comes with a selection of config files out-of-the-box. These live in the config/ directory and are simple .php files that return an array.

Accessing Configuration Values

Let's take a look at config/app.php:

return [
     * The current application environment
    'environment' => getenv('WP_ENV'),

    // ...etc

Here we are proxying an environment variable defined in the .env file that Bedrock provides. We'd recommend following this pattern, where you should only see getenv called in your config files.

You can easily access the environment variable using the Rareloop\Lumberjack\Facades\Config facade.

use Rareloop\Lumberjack\Facades\Config;

$env = Config::get('app.environment');

You can provide a default value too, incase the configuration option does not exist.

$env = Config::get('app.environment', 'production');

If you need to update a config option, you can use the set method, like so:

Config::set('app.debug', false);

Adding your own config files

Chances are, you're going to need to add your own config files at some point. All you need to do is create a new .php file in the config/ directory, and have it return an array.

This works because Lumberjack will look for all files in the config/ directory that have a .php extension and automatically registers all the data to the application's config.

Last updated