Typically in WordPress when you're querying posts you get WP_Post objects back. Timber have taken this a step further and return a Timber/Post object instead. This has a ton of great helper methods and properties which makes it easier and more expressive to use.
In this example $collection contains App\PostType\Product objects. That allows you to add your own methods to a product and encapsulate logic in one place.
useApp\PostTypes\Product;$collection =Product::query($wpQueryArray);foreach ($collection as $product) {echo $product->price();}
namespaceApp\PostTypes;useRareloop\Lumberjack\Post;classProductextendsPost{// ...publicfunctionprice() {// Get the price from the ACF field for this productreturnget_field('price',$this->id); }}
Register Custom Post Types
First, create a new file in app/PostTypes/. We recommend using singular names. For this example, lets add a Product.php file there.
You can use this boilerplate to get you started:
namespaceApp\PostTypes;useRareloop\Lumberjack\Post;classProductextendsPost{/** * Return the key used to register the post type with WordPress * First parameter of the `register_post_type` function: * https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type * * @returnstring */publicstaticfunctiongetPostType() {return'products'; }/** * Return the config to use to register the post type with WordPress * Second parameter of the `register_post_type` function: * https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type * * @returnarray|null */protectedstaticfunctiongetPostTypeConfig() {return ['labels'=> ['name'=>__('Products'),'singular_name'=>__('Product'),'add_new_item'=>__('Add New Product'), ],'public'=> true, ]; }}
Lumberjack will handle the registering of the post type for you. In order to do that, it requires 2 methods (documented above):
In order for Lumberjack to register your post type, you need to add the class name to the config/posttypes.php config file.
return [/** * List all the sub-classes of Rareloop\Lumberjack\Post in your app that you wish to * automatically register with WordPress as part of the bootstrap process. */'register'=> [App\PostTypes\Product::class, ],];
And that's it! You can now start using your new Custom Post Type.
Tip: Try and avoid using ACF's get_field outside of a Post Type class where possible. This will help make your application easy to change.
$product =newProduct;// Badechoget_field('price', $product->id);// Good: The knowledge of how to get the price is encapsulated within the Product classecho $product->price();
Available Methods for Rareloop\Lumberjack\Post
Lumberjack's Post class extends Timber\Post, and adds some convenient methods for you:
useRareloop\Lumberjack\Post;useApp\PostTypes\Product;// Get all published posts, with 10 per page, ordered ascending by title$posts =Post::all(10,'title','asc');// Accepts the WP_Query args as an array. By default it will filter by published posts for the correct post type too$products =Product::query(['s'=>'Toy Car']);